I bought a used mountain bike a week or two ago for only $25. Now, I have found that the old saying "you get what you pay for" is generally true, and this case was no different. But the fact that the bike is a piece of junk does not really bother me, as I will only be using it for a month or so. It is a bike, and it works, and that is all I care about.
I took it into a shop recently to see how much a tune-up would cost, and they basically told me that it wasn't worth it and that I should just go buy a new $100 bike. I kept telling them that I was only going to have it for a month and just wanted it in working condition. I didn't want to pay an amount that was more than the bike just to fix it, so I ended up just buying a new chain with the intention of putting it on myself.
I hope the bike will hold up for me until Burning Man roles around, as I am planning to use it as my transportation at the festival. I want to do something crazy to it to make it more fitting for the eccentric vibe of the event. Maybe paint it and add some lights?