There I lay, wide awake in bed at about 2 o'clock in the morning. I tried to drown out the thoughts that kept bubbling up to the surface in my head so that I could get some rest, but my brain would not let me. Memories of the last nine or so months and future ambitions were swirling around in my head.
As well as getting all my belongings prepared for the move North, I am also getting prepared mentally. It is astounding to think I only have a few weeks left in Santa Cruz. I have grown a fond connection to this place, and I have done a lot of self-reflecting and self-improvement whilst here. But I have been starting to feel myself trapped in a routine once again. It seems as though six months is maybe the longest I can stay in a place. Six months seems a good amount of time to spend in one place....long enough to get acquainted with the area and make some friends, and yet not long enough to become too attached.
So it is set. I will migrate North to Washington in mid-June. I've had some amazing times here and I have met some awesome people and I will miss it greatly, but I have a feeling I will be back someday...
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