Tuesday, August 4, 2009

New Travel Knife

Blade open

Blade closed

My old knife was either stolen or lost a little while back, so it was time to pick up a new blade. This is the type of knife that I have found, from my own personal experience, is good to travel with. Here are the reasons that this is a good travel knife:

1) Cheap. Can be easily replaced if stolen or confiscated by police, security, etc. (This knife cost me about $12 from Ace Hardware)

2) Medium-sized blade...not too big, not too small. Good for many different purposes, such as chopping food, carving wood, cutting coconuts, and also as a weapon.

3) Lightweight/flat. Not too heavy or bulky to carry in pocket.

4) Buckle clip. In case you prefer to carry it on the outside of your clothing.

The only thing I can think of that would make this knife better, was if it was a switchblade (blade that flips open). This would make it a better knife for self-defense if your life was ever threatened.


Mira said...

Hey Byron,

I haven't looked at your blog for a while.....I guess you finally made that trip down south. Awesome!
I am stuck in the US for a little while...trying to get some experience and money for my future life abroad....


Byron said...

Hey Mira, thanks for stopping by! Maybe it's good you haven't looked at it in a while, because I haven't been writing much the last couple months :(

But yeah, made the trip and I'm also back in the US trying to work and save money.

What are you doing for money, and where are you going next?