Thursday, March 26, 2009

Preparing for Volcan Tajumulco and Costa Rica

Hello friends. I would just like to give you an update on where I am and what I have been doing, as well as what I am doing next. For the last week and a half, I have been relaxing at beautiful Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. Before here, we climbed some insanely-tall temples at the Mayan ruins of Tikal, and tasted the mushrooms and frolicked with the monkeys among the jungle ruins of Palenque. I met three Swedish guys, Oscar, Per, and Magnus, in San Jose del Pacifico, and traveled with them for about a month or so throughout Southern Mexico. We also picked up a few other friends along the way, including Thiago and Casandra from Brazil, and Mara from Spain. I also ran into my friend Ben in San Cristobal de las Casas, whom I had first met while volunteering at the Bosque Village. He traveled with me to Palenque, then departed afterwords. Everyone has gone thier own ways now, and I am once again by myself. It is quite different, and I miss the company of having friends around all the time. It is also nice though, because it gives me more time to work on my own projects. I have started writing more, and I also have a new website in the works, which I will reveal pretty soon.

I am leaving tomorrow to go to Quetzaltenango, where we will shortly after embark on a two-day trek to the top of Volcan Tajumulco. Tajumulco is an inactive volcano, but nonetheless, is the tallest is Central America at 4,220 feet. After that, I am taking a bus straight down to Costa Rica, where I am going to volunteer on another farm. I have been accepted onto the Earth Rose Farm, which is located near San Isidro del el General in Southern Costa Rica. It will be good to start working and learning again, and being productive. I had wanted to WWOOF again in Southern Mexico, and had applied to several farms, but was not accepted. I am flying back to Santa Cruz, California at the end of April, and will spend the remainder of my trip in Costa Rica. The Earth Rose Farm requires six hours of work a day, five days a week, with weekends off. So on weekends, I will have the chance to explore around the area.

Really looking forward to Costa Rica...and returning to California as well!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're having a good trip. Costa Rica is a lot of fun. Be sure to check out the osa peninsula and zancudo while you're down there. Its not far from san isidro. That town is in a farming valley and isn't real remarkable. But it makes a good base camp to explore chirripo N.P. and the mountains as well as the coast. Too bad you're skipping over nicaragua as isla ometope is also really nice and really cheap. Hope the farm works out. Johnny J.

Byron said...

Thanks for the advice Johnny. I think it is impossible to explore everything, unless you had a couple years to spare!