Thursday, May 1, 2008

To go or no to go....

The question that has been occupying my mind recently, is whether I should move up to Washington state or stay in Santa Cruz for the summer. I would really love to stay in Santa Cruz for the summer, but my gut instinct is telling me that I should go North. If I stayed here, I would have to find a job and I would continue paying rent, all the while trying to save up for my travels. If I moved up there, I would have a free room, and a very good chance of having work already lined up for me. It just seems like I would be an idiot to not take this opportunity.

I will be able to pay this month's rent, but after that, I would have to find alternative sources of income. I am waiting on my $600 tax rebate check, which should be arriving sometime this month or early June. I am first going to use $200-300 of the check to purchase a ticket to Burning Man. The rest I will just save. My one college class finishes up around the first week of June, so I have until then to decide what I am going to do. But as of now, it looks like the winds are pushing me North...


Anonymous said...

read the Dharma Bums...seriously

Byron said...

I am going to make a trip to the library soon to check out all these books you've been telling me about! I also want to read one that Wade was talking about, "Vagabond Journey Around the World", I think it was called...