Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trading Paper for Pixels

I accidently left my journal behind in Mexico City a few days ago, as well as my baja hoodie. I know exactly where my journal was left; sitting next to the computer at a hostel, where I was last using it. Not sure about my sweatshirt. I'm not really sure how I feel about this. I don't care much about the sweatshirt, because they are cheap and abundant in Mexico, and I can easily get another one. But my journal was not just some material object that can simply be replaced. It was a collection of my thoughts, insights, and dreams from over the last three months or so of my life.

All I can do at this point, is understand that it is out of my control, and that everything happens for a reason. Around the same time that I discovered my journal was missing, I was toying with the idea of retrieving my laptop, and starting my blog back up. If all my writings had been stored online, there would be practically no way that they could ever be lost...even if something happpens to my computer. I think it may be time to make a re-emergence into the digital world...

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